My Original Works

Welcome brave souls. Enter if you dare!
Please, come in and take a seat! Feel free to kick back and put your feet up. Just be careful not to knock anything over. Nestled within these musty tomes are stories that I hope you will find entertaining. These are my stories, ones I’ve poured blood, sweat, and tears into. These devilish nightmares made manifest by tortuous efforts are for your enjoyment. If you do enjoy them, please let me know, that I might have a bit of respite from the ruthless rhythms that hound my every waking moment. If you don’t, then I am obligated to report that to my Luciferian masters, who will no doubt redouble their barbarous and brutal attacks upon my psyche in an ever further persistence to wring out tales of terror from me.
As always, you can contact me via the Contact Me form, or by reaching out to me on Twitter and Instagram. Enjoy!
© Copyright 2021 Ian MacTire, All Rights Reserved, except where otherwise noted.