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Empty Pages Holiday Hiatus 2021 Announcement

Empty Pages Holiday Hiatus 2021 Announcement

Just a quick announcement that I will going on hiatus for the holidays, but I will be back in January 2022. Happy Holidays! Transcript Welcome to Empty Pages, which chronicles my journey from first draft to published manuscript and beyond. I’m your host, Ian MacTire. If you’re a return listener, welcome back! If you’re a new listener, welcome! This episode is going to be rather short, as I am announcing  that I’m going on a hiatus for the remainder of…

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Empty Pages – My Short Story Plans (Episode 12)

Empty Pages – My Short Story Plans (Episode 12)

In this episode, I talk about my plans regarding publishing my various short stories. Enjoy! Transcript Welcome to Empty Pages, which chronicles my journey from first draft to published manuscript and beyond. I’m your host, Ian MacTire. Welcome back, return listeners! If this is  your first time listening, welcome! I hope you find these episodes to be useful.  In my previous episode, I said I would possibly talk about the short story I submitted for possible inclusion in a horror…

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Empty Pages – AutoCrit “Writing Effective Horror” Course Review (Episode 11)

Empty Pages – AutoCrit “Writing Effective Horror” Course Review (Episode 11)

In this episode, I talk about the course I took titled “Writing Effective Horror”, offered by AutoCrit. (Non-Sponsored Review) Transcript If you’re a return listener, welcome back, if this is your first time, welcome! I hope you find these episodes to be useful. Also, if you are enjoying these, please leave a review and share with others, as that helps to get this podcast noticed. Also, a quick disclaimer: at this point in time, I am not sponsored and I’m…

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Empty Pages – The Best Time to Write? (Episode 10)

Empty Pages – The Best Time to Write? (Episode 10)

In this episode, I discuss the best time to write. Transcript If you’re a return listener, welcome back, if this is your first time, welcome! I hope you find the information in these episodes to be useful. Also, if you are enjoying these, please leave a review and share with others, as that helps to get this podcast noticed. And if you’re not enjoying them, feel free to drop me a line letting me know why. This is episode 10,…

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Empty Pages – Word Counts (Episode 9)

Empty Pages – Word Counts (Episode 9)

In this episode, I discuss word counts. Helpful Links Transcript If you’re a return listener, welcome back, if this is your first time, welcome! I hope you find the information in these episodes to be useful. Also, if you are enjoying these, please leave a review and share with others, as that helps to get this podcast noticed. This is episode 9, where we talk about word counts.  I have included a couple of useful links in the…

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Empty Pages – Bad Self Editing Epiphany (Episode 8)

Empty Pages – Bad Self Editing Epiphany (Episode 8)

I talk about how self editing can be bad, how it stopped me from ever completing a story and the epiphany I had during NaNoWriMo. Helpful Links: Transcript If you’re a return listener, welcome back, if this is your first time, welcome! I hope you find the information in these episodes to be useful. Also, if you are enjoying these, please leave a review and share with others, as that helps to get this podcast noticed. This is episode…

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Empty Pages – NaNoWriMo (Episode 7)

Empty Pages – NaNoWriMo (Episode 7)

This episode talks about NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and my experience with it. Transcript If you’re a return listener, welcome back, if this is your first time, welcome! I hope you find the information in these episodes to be useful. Also, if you are enjoying these, please leave a review and share with others, as that helps to get this podcast noticed. This is episode 7, and the first episode of November, which is NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing…

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Empty Pages – My Writing Setup (Episode 6)

Empty Pages – My Writing Setup (Episode 6)

This podcast follows my journey from first draft to published novel and beyond. This episode goes over what a writing setup is, and discusses my personal setup and how it helps me to be more creative. TRANSCRIPT If you’re a return listener, welcome back, if this is your first time, welcome! I hope you find the information in these episodes to be useful. Also, if you are enjoying these, please leave a review and share with others. This is episode…

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Empty Pages Halloween Bonus Episode

Empty Pages Halloween Bonus Episode

The first ever Holiday bonus episode. I discuss my top 5 favorite horror novels and movies. Transcript Hello and Welcome to the first Empty Pages Halloween Special. Initially, I had planned to talk about Samhain, which most people incorrectly pronounce as Sam Hain, and the genesis of Halloween, but I’ll save that for another time. Instead, I have decided to go more simple and list the top five horror novels and movies that I would recommend to anyone looking for…

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Empty Pages – Where To Get An Idea (Episode 5)

Empty Pages – Where To Get An Idea (Episode 5)

This podcast follows my journey from first draft to published novel and beyond. This episode discusses where to get ideas for stories. TRANSCRIPT If you’re a return listener, welcome back, if this is your first time, welcome! I hope you find the information in these episodes to be useful. Also, if you are enjoying these, please leave a review and share with others. This is Episode 5, Where to Get an Idea. In our previous episode, we mentioned that one…

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